
Fraud Suspicious Transaction Management Specific to Your Business

While you can manage your payment processes from a single center with Craftgate, the payment orchestration that provides financial freedom to your business, with Fraud Management, you determine the steps to be taken in possible suspicious transactions according to your business dynamics. With the Craftgate Fraud Management module, it is possible to manage risky transactions according to your own dynamics!

Fraud Suspicious Transaction Management Specific to Your Business

You know the dynamics of your business best. That's why we developed the Fraud Suspicious Transaction Management at Craftgate that you can customize to your needs. With this solution offered by Craftgate, you are the playmaker!

You Are In Control Of Fraud Prevention!

In 3D Secure payments, the conversion rate is low due to the increase in payment steps and the redirection of buyers to the bank page. With Craftgate Fraud Management, you can keep your business' payment conversion rate high by getting more non-3D Secure payments.

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Reduce the Risk of Suspicious Transactions

While reducing the risk of suspicious transactions, we consider everything so that your business turnover is not affected by this. Thus, we designed customized process management instead of common suspicious transaction management. This way, we aim to prevent turnover losses caused by canceling non-risky transactions.

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Determine the Rule

Determine when a transaction becomes suspicious



Examine transactions that will be considered suspicious according to your rule


Make a List

List and classify transactions marked as suspicious


Cancel Payment or Unlist

Decide on listed transactions

Customizable Fraud Suspicious Transaction Management

The precautions and the path to be followed by each business against suspicious transactions differ. That's why we have created an exceptional artificial intelligence-supported playground for you to shape suspicious transaction management according to your own dynamics.

You can flexibly determine which transactions will be considered suspicious with “Rule Management“, make a transaction-specific analysis, and follow it quickly with Suspicious Transactions List.

The Fraud Management feature helps you set up the measures your business can take against possible suspicious transactions that may arise in online payment processes. With this feature, you can also manage the steps to be followed in case of a suspicious transaction by your business dynamics.

Get Started with Craftgate Now

Start using Craftgate now to receive payments from all debit and credit cards accessing contracted virtual POS and payment institutions with a single integration.